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Chance as a starting point

Text from catalog ‘No sólo Papel’ edited by Obra Social Ibercaja. 2010. Legal deposit : Z-1.284-10

Along the creative process for any of my paintings the formation of visual accidents (pictorial accidents I mean) and accumulation of different textures, transparencies, etc…. in a particular region or area of the painting seem to want to guide and trap the eye of the observer.

It is my believe that two circumstances arise, the visual pleasure (in my opinion, even spiritual) that unexpected discoveries uncovered chaotically by chance in precise and delimited areas of the canvas that, in an instinctively manner, I try to arrange to obtain somehow both, a physical relationship – referring to the physicality of the painting itself, color, texture, contrast ,… – and a composition that are coherent with the rest of the piece.

The other circumstance is mental, and it is the ultimate reward: the whole piece, with a series of countless inherent associations, for example, the balance between forces, contrast between textures and/or colors, parallelisms or lineal divergences, equilibriums, etc … working together in a way that is the idea of beauty what prevails; it is the prize in the form of sensory pleasure that will unveil itself to the skilled eye of the spectator.

Silvia Lerín

Valencia, March 2010

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